CHIEDZA PASIPANODYA (chee-ed-za pasi-pano-jga)
Born Harare, Zimbabwe
Lives and works in Toronto, CA & Bloomfield Hills, US
Chiedza’s relational and research-based practice emerges from southern African ways of being, knowing, and aesthetics. Through exhibition-making, sculpture, conversation, collaboration, and writing, Chiedza considers how and if connection, repair, and finally retrieval are possible through the making of objects and transmutation of materials.
Chiedza completed a BFA (Hons) in Criticism and Curatorial Practices at OCAD University. They have exhibited internationally with Catinca Tabacaru (Bucharest, RO) and Forum Gallery (Bloomfield Hills, US) and in Canada at the Gardiner Museum, Artspeak Gallery, Art Gallery of Burlington, Nia Centre for the Arts, Xpace Cultural Centre, Gallery Two Seven Two, Forum Gallery, and Whippersnapper Gallery. They have curated internationally at the Ino Cho Paper Museum (Ino, Kochi, JP) and in Canada with the Art Gallery of Peterborough, Aspace Gallery, BAND Gallery, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre and Nuit Blanche. Chiedza is a Toronto Biennial of Art Curatorial Fellow (2022), Creative Time Summit presenter (2017) and has sat on committees with the Royal Ontario Museum, Nia Centre for the Arts, Canada Council for the Arts, and the inaugural Black Curators Forum (2019). They are a Master of Fine Arts candidate at Cranbrook Academy of Art, Department of Sculpture, Class of 2025.
Image credit: Zach Ward